Monday, 27 April 2009

first performance video

the first peformance before the salsa congres in Wellington...

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Easter weekend

Hi everybody,
I hope you had a good Easter weekend. Liubi and me certainly had. We drove down to Wellington to have a great weekend and for me to participate and perform in the NZ Salsa Congres. It was an amazing time!!!Wellington is much more beautiful than Auckland! The pictures will talk for themselves....It was so cool to see 670 km of sheep, trees, cows, trees, horses, trees and from the beginning! We arehappy to finally see something from the country!!

The Salsa congres was wonderful! Liubi also came along on Friday to try some new dancing stlyes like Zouk or the evening I performed with my team and we got selected to perform in the Australian Salsa Congress in January 2010 in Sydney!!!Wooow I have to start saving money:-)...

For teh rest of teh weekend it was just a lot of dancing and partying and Liubi enjoyed herself in the Te Papa muesum and on the seaside of Welington.
On our way back to Auckland we made a stop over in Taupo and guess what we did there! YES Skydiving!!!!Amazing!!!JUmping out of a plane from 15.000 feet...But I´ll start teh story from the beginning: The actual thing to do in Taupo was bungee jumping and touching the water. Liubi wanted to do this but was suddenly not sure anymore because in Queenstown on teh South Island they have a much higher bungee jump and we are going there already next week. Finally she decided she will do it in Taupo. Ok we went there and she did it!!!It´s an amazing panorama...
Afterwards I wanted to do skydiving....don´t ask me why I just wanted to have this experience and I got it. I took Liubi with me of course and in the Bus when Steve the driver asked her why she doesn´t do it and she didn´t have an answer so he imitated a chicken:-) and she changed her mind and doesn´t regret it:-)
We had 60 seconds of freefall and then gliding with a parachut through the air over the beautiful lakeof Taupo. We had perfect weather: sun sun sun and hardly any clouds.....
I was freaking scared I can tell you but I´m so happy I did it and it´s an enormous adrenalin kick!!!I can only recommend it to everybody!!!

I hope you enjoy the pictures!!!I´m trying to upload the videos as well but I´m not sure if it works because our internet is sooo slow here!!!

I hug you all!!!
